Tuesday, 26 May 2009

its juz working hour!!!

its juz a picture..xde k aitan langsung dgn kehidupan aku..hihi
.: wake up early than usual :.

.: solat :.

.: get ready :.

.: work + work + work :.

.: kadang2 nak jgak YM..uwaaaa..tp x dapat2 :.

.: its juz working hour!! :.

.: breakfast + lunch + dinner at home! hehehe :.

.: cold + tense + laugh + gossipzzz + scolded? :.

.:.:.:.:. its juz working hour!!! but im still have life outhere!! .:.:.:.:.


cik leha said...

ya...work to get money huh!!
but then..u can still hang out wit me ha..meet the gossip boys!haha

yaya said...

booked already maaaa
well.....no money no talk
then have money soon we can talk2..ok!

Intan Berlian said...

erkk...u oll keje ke?beshnyer kje ape ek...eden dh bosan thap cipan neh dok umah je huhuhu

yaya said...

tau xpe...cari duit dowhhh
bosan ke...dok umah..meh dtg sini..tolon2 wat keje
best keje dik...sbb dpt upah..haahaha

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